All the tips to thoroughly clean your room 


Depending on the size of your apartment, you may or may not spend more time in your room. It’s a room you occupy quite often, not just for sleeping. It must therefore be clean and presentable. However, it may happen that you have no idea how to maintain or how and with what products to clean your room. It’s not something you learn in school. Generally, you learn on the job when you are on your own. This period often coincides with your first home alone.

Don’t worry about that, you just need to have in mind the best practices to apply on a daily basis. On top of that, add the most effective cleaning methods and products and you’re done.

Tips for having a clean room every day

A clean room is worked on every day . Superficially, you can dwell on the smell. Your bedroom should be free of strong or foul odors. To prevent this from happening, you can place cloves in each corner . Remember to open your windows regularly during the day to ventilate the room. Finally, you can equip your room with a stick scent or a candle.

The technique for having a clean room is to always have it tidy . For this, you must have all the compartments and adequate storage for all your belongings, both clothes and shoes. Sheets and duvets must also be changed regularly to avoid transmitting diseases to you.

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How to clean your bedroom thoroughly?

This may not seem obvious, but it is still quite simple. To be able to clean your room properly, it is based on two processes. The first is to sweep daily and the second is to clean with the right products.

If you’ve followed our advice about always having your windows open during the day, it can bring a lot of dust into your room. It is therefore advisable to sweep your room once a day. To carry out this operation, take a stick broom, it will prevent you from lowering yourself every day.

If you meet certain obligations that prevent you from adopting this routine, you can very well wait for the day when you are available. To be sure to have all the dust, you can trust the elements of the following brands:

Also remember to bring a vacuum cleaner to go faster . Removable vacuum cleaners can reach fairly tight corners that retain a lot of dust and often even cobwebs.


Regarding this part, it’s very simple, you can buy specific products to clean your furniture you have St Marc wipes and your windows you have the Ajax brand. For the floor, it all depends on whether it is parquet or carpet or tiles.

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If you are unable to provide yourself with the various supermarket products, you can very well fall back on baking soda and white vinegar . These two products form an ideal combo to solve all your potty-related problems. You just need to make a mixture. In hot or warm water, pour the baking soda powder. It must be allowed to dissolve properly in water. Then, all you have to do is add drops of white vinegar.

If you want to use the mixture to clean your windows, it would be more convenient to pour the solution into a container with a spray nozzle using a sponge to clean your walls. For the floor, you can add lemon juice to add some flavor and remove dark spots . This time, clean your floor with a carpet mop, also remember to spray or otherwise if you have a vacuum cleaner you can pour the solution, let it dry and then vacuum it. For furniture, it will be the same as your windows.

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